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  • 전) 대한통증학회 평의원
  • 대한통증학회 논문심사위원
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  • 대한통증학회 경막외 스테로이드 주사 가이드라인 책자 편찬위원
  • 대한통증학회 Cadaver Workshop(사체실습) 강사 및 운영위원
  • 전) 건강보험 심사평가원(HIRA) 비상근 심사위원
  • 전) 대한통증학회 서울지회 학술위원
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  • 모범 공중보건의 표창
  • 대한통증학회 학술상 3회 수상
  • 대한척추통증학회 학술상 수상
  • 국제통증학회(IARS) 만성통증-임상부문 최고학술상(Best of Category) 수상
  • 우수공중보건의 표창
  • 2001 Best resident award of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists
  • 2006 Academic award of the Korean Pain Society
  • 2009 Academic award of the Korean Pain Society
  • 2009 Academic award of the Korean Spinal Pain Society
  • 2011 Best Poster Abstract award of the Korean Pain Society
  • 모범납세자표창


  • 영문 및 국문 척추통증치료 교과서 “Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Spinal Techniques” 공저
  • 통증의학서적 “근골격계 질환에 대한 주사법” 공역
  • 통증의학서적 “중재적 통증 치료” 공역
  • “Guideline of Epidural Steroid Injections” 공저
  • “Image guided Spine Intervention” 공역
  • “Injection Techniques in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine” 공역
  • “Interventional Pain Management-Image guided procedures” 공역
  • “문제로풀어보는 통증의학II” 공저
  • “통증수기의 정석(Keystone of Pain Intervention)” 공저
  • 국내 의학학술지 논문 28편 게재
  • 국제 SCI 의학학술지 논문 32편 게재
  • 그 외 각종 국내외 초청 강연 70여 회

국내 - 논문활동

  • 1. Lee CJ, Oh AY, Ko H. Epidural anesthesia for cesarean section in a parturient with achondroplasia. Journal of the Korean Society of Obstetric Anesthesia 2001;6:20-23.
  • 2. Kim KO, Oh AY, Lee CJ, Park JD, Kim CS. Home mechanical ventilation of pediatric patients. Korean J Anesthesiol 2003;44(2):229-234.
  • 3. Lee CJ, Kwon WK, Ro YJ, Do SH. Effects of epinephrine added to epidural patient-controlled analgesia using bupivacaine and fentanyl in gynecological patients. Korean J Anesthesiol 2003;45:737-742
  • 4. Nahm FS, Ahn WS, Lee CJ, Ham BM. Chlorhexidine versus povidone iodine in bacterial contamination rate of needles used for spinal anesthesia. Korean J Anesthesiol 2004;47(6):S1-S4.
  • 5. Lee JG, Lee CJ, Ahn JH, Kim KW, Kim YC, Lee SC. Fluoroscopy guided glossopharyngeal nerve block in a patient with short styloid process. Korean J Pain 2004;17(2):259-261.
  • 6. Lee CJ, Lee SC, Lee PB, Seo MS, Oh YS. Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in the patient with midback pain. Korean J Pain 2004;17(2):271-274.
  • 7. Lee CJ, Kim DH, Lee JR, Kim CS. Effects of difference in arterial oxygen tension on ischemia/reperfusion injury of spinal cord in rabbits. Korean J Anesthesiol 2005;48:62-69.
  • 8. Joh JY, Bae YG, Kim YH, Lee EH, Lee CJ, Lee SC, Kim YL. Retrograde study on thoracic percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty done by transpedicular approach. Korean J Pain 2005;18(2):204-207.
  • 9. Kim YH, Gu MS, Lee EH, Joh JY, Han SS, Lee CJ, Lee SC. Percutaneous cervical discectomy using Dekompressor®. Korean J Pain 2005;18(2):271-274.
  • 10. Lee EH, Park SR, Joh JY, Han SS, Lee CJ, Lee SC. Biplane fluoroscopy guided maxillary nerve block and pulsed radiofrequency lesioning of the mandibular nerve. Korean J Pain 2005;18(2):279-283
  • 11. Moon JY, Lee CJ, Kim YH, Joh JY, Lee EH, Lee SC, Kim CS. Pulsed radiofrequency treatment of glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Korean J Anesthesiol 2006:50(1); 115-118.
  • 12. Lee CJ, Kim YC, Shin JH, Yoo SY, Shin HY, Kim YH, Han SS, Joh JY, Lee EH, Lee SC, Park JH. Spinal cord stimulation in management of intractable chronic pain: a 5-year experience. Korean J Anesthesiol 2006; 51(2): 195-200.
  • 13. Han SS, Lee SJ, Lee CJ, Lee SC. The effect of fluoroscopy guided interventional microadhesiolysis and nerve stimulation (FIMS) in lumbar spinal stenosis. Korean J Anesthesiol 2006; 51(1): 82-88.
  • 14. Lee MG, Lee HM, Jo JY, Choi YS, Ku UK, Lee CJ, Lee SC, Kim YC. An analysis of paresthesia areas evoked by spinal cord stimulation in relation to the position of electrode tip. Korean J Pain 2006;19(2):146-151.
  • 15. Choi YS, Lee MG, Lee HM, Jo JY, Jeong HJ, Lee CJ, Lee SC, Kim YC. A case of balloon kyphoplasty inn high risk under cement leakage. Korean J Pain 2006;19(2):261-265.
  • 16. Jo JY, Lee MG, Lee HM, Choi YS, Yoon HJ, Lee CJ, Lee SC, Kim YC. Perioperative pain management in the patients with complex regional pain syndrome: a case report. Korean J Pain 2006;19(2):218-222.
  • 17. Lee HM, Lee CJ, Lee MG, Jo JY, Choi YS, Kang MH et al. Experience of the pediatric patients consulted to pain center. Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2007;002(01): 4-8.
  • 18. Ryu CG, Ryu HG, Lee CJ, Bahk JH. The effect of angle on the position of the catheter tip in paramedian approach of thoracic epidural catheterization. Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2007;002(04): 262-265.
  • 19. Shin YH, Kim TH, Lee SJ, Lee CJ, Sim WS, et al. The effective steroid dose of caudal epidural injection with unilateral epidural catheter position in patients with symptomatic herniated nucleus pulpous. Korean J Anesthesiol 2008;54(4):427-430.
  • 20. Lee SY, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS, Kim YC, Lee SC. Intravascular injection in cervical medial branch block: an evaluation of 361 injections. Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2008; 003(04):245-249.
  • 21. Lee SH, Lee CJ, Lee JY, Kim TY, Sim WS, Lee SY, Hwang HY. Fluoroscopy-guided pudendal nerve block and pulsed radiofrequency treatment. Korean J Anesthesiol 2009; 56(5):605-608.
  • 22. Kim WH, Kim SK, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS. Determination of adequate entry angle of lumbar sympathetic ganglion block in Korea. Korean J Pain 2010; 23(1):11-17.
  • 23. Nahm FS, Lee PB, Kim TH, Kim YC, Lee CJ. Comparative analysis of the independent medical examination reports and legal decisions in pain medicine. Korean J Pain 2010; 23(1): 28-34.
  • 24. Lee PB, Kim YC, Lee CJ, Shin HY, Lee SY, Park JC, Choi YS, Kim CS, Park SH. The neurological safety of epidural pamidronate in rats. Korean J Pain 2010;23(2): 116-123.
  • 25. Lee YH, Hwang HY, Sim WS, Yang M, Lee CJ. Breakage of a thoracic epidural catheter during its removal-A case report- Korean J Anesthesiol 2010 Jun;58(6):569-572.
  • 26. Lee CJ. Definition of lumbar spinal pain. Anesth Pain Med 2010;5:273-276.
  • 27. Choi JW, Joo EY, Lee SH, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS. Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of the thoracic splanchnic nerve in functional abdominal pain syndrome-A case report-. Korean J Anesthesiol 2011 Jul;61(1):79-82.
  • 28. Kim EJ, Moon JY, Park KS, Yoo DH, Kim YC, Sim WS, Lee CJ, Shin HY, Kim JH, Kim YD, Lee SJ. Epidural steroid injection in Korean pain physicians: a national survey. Korean J Pain 2014;27(1):35-42.
  • *Underlined : Corresponding author

국외 - 논문활동

  • 1. Choi SS, Kim YC, Lim YJ, Lee CJ, Lee PB, Lee SC, Sim WS, Choi YL. The neurological safety of epidural gabapentin in rats: a light microscopic examination. Anesth Analg 2005 Nov;101(5):1422-1426.
  • 2. Lee PB, Kim YC, Choi SS, Lim YJ, Lee CJ, Sim WS, Ha CW, Bin S, Lim K, Lee SC. Comparison between High and Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronates in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients: Open-Label, Randomized, Multi-Centre Clinical Trial. J Int Med Res 2006;34(1):77-87.
  • 3. Lee PB, Kim YC, Lim YJ, Lee CJ, Choi SS, Park SH, Lee JG, Lee SC. Efficacy of pulsed electromagnetic therapy for chronic lower back pain: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Int Med Res 2006; 34(2): 160-167.
  • 4. Lee CJ, Kim KW, Lee HM, Nahm FS, Lim YJ, Kim CS, Park JH. The effect of thalidomide on spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury in a rabbit model. Spinal Cord 2007 Feb; 45(2):149-157.
  • 5. Ryu HG, Bahk JH, Lee CJ, Lim YJ. The coiling length of thoracic epidural catheter: the influence of epidural approach angle. Br J Anaesth 2007 Mar;98(3):401-404.
  • 6. Lee CJ, Jeon Y, Lim YJ, Bahk JH, Kim YC, Lee SC. The influences of neck flexion and extension on the distribution of contrast medium in the high thoracic epidural space. Anesth Analg 2007Jun;104(6):1583-1586.
  • 7. Kim YH, Lee PB,Lee CJ, Lee SC, Kim YC, Huh J. Dermatome variation of lumbosacral nerve roots in patients with transitional lumbosacral vertebrae. Anesth Analg 2008 Apr;106(4):1279-1283.
  • 8. Lee CJ, Kim YC, Shin JH, Nahm FS, Lee HM, Choi YS, Lee SC, Ko JS, Kim TH, Sim WS, Kim CS, Cho HS. Intravascular injection in lumbar medial branch block: a prospective evaluation of 1433 injections. Anesth Analg 2008 Apr; 106(4):1274-1278.
  • 9. Kim YH, Lee CJ, Lee SC, Huh J, Nahm FS, Kim HZ, Lee MK. Effect of pulsed radiofrequency for postherpetic neuralgia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2008;52(8):1140-1143.
  • 10. Choi YS, Lee MK, Lee HM, Lee CJ, Jo JY, Jeon SY, Lee SC, Kim YC. Epidemiology of complex regional pain syndrome: a retrospective chart review of 150 Korean patients. J Korean Med Sci 2008 Oct;23(5):772-775.
  • 11. Kang JG, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS, Shin BS, Lee SH, Nahm FS, Lee PB, Kim YC, Lee SC. Analgesic effects of ketamine infusion therapy in Korean patients with neuropathic pain: a 2-week, open-label, uncontrolled study. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 2010;71(2):93-104.
  • 12. Kim JS, Nam MH, Do YS, Lee CJ, Kim CS, Sim WS, Park KB, Lee SH, Han JS, Shin BS, Kim HY. Efficacy of milrinone versus nitroglycerin in controlling pulmonary arterial hypertension induced by intravenous injections of absolute ethanol in anesthetized dogs. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2010 Jun;21(6):882-887.
  • 13. Nahm FS, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS, et al. Risk factors analysis of intravascular uptake in 2145 transforaminal epidural injections. Anaesthsia. 2010 Sep;65(9):917-921.
  • 14. Shin BS, Do YS, Cho HS, Hahm TS, Kim CS, Sim WS, Lee CJ, Lee SH, Jin HS, Song HG, Park KB, Park HS, Kim ST. Cardiovascular effects and predictability of cardiovascular collapse after repeated intravenous bolus injections of absolute ethanol in anesthetized pigs. J Vas Interv Radiol 2010 Dec;21(12):1867-1872.
  • 15. Lee SH, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Shin BS, Lee SY, Joo EY, Sim WS. Novel use of hydromorphone as a pretreatment agent: a double-blind, randomized, controlled study in adult Korean surgical patients. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 2011 Feb;72(1):36-48.
  • 16. Shin BS, Kim JS, Sim WS, Lee CJ, Kim ST, Kim GH, Bang SR, Lee SH, Hyun SJ, Kim GS. A comparison of the effects of preanesthetic administration of crystalloid versus colloid on intrathecal spread of isobaric spinal anesthetics and cerebrospinal fluid movement. Anesth Analg 2011;112(4):924-930.
  • 17. Kim WH, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Shin BS, Sim WS. The optimal oblique angle of fluoroscope for thoracic sympathetic ganglion block. Clin Auton Res 2011;21:89-96.
  • 18. Kim WH, Ahn HJ, Lee CJ, Shin BS, Ko JS, Choi SJ, Ryu SA. Neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio: a new predictor of difficult intubation in obese patients. Br J Anaesth 2011 May:106(5):743-748.
  • 19. Ryu HG, Lee CJ, Kim YT, Bahk JH. Preemptive low-dose ketamine for preventing chronic postthoracotomy pain: a prospective, double-blinded, randomized, clinical trial. Clin J Pain 2011;27(4):304-308.
  • 20. Yoo HS, Nahm FS, Lee PB, Lee CJ. Early thoracic sympathetic block improves the treatment effect for upper extremity neuropathic pain. Anesth Analg 2011 Sep;113(3):605-609.
  • 21. Kim WH, Lee CJ, Sim WS, Shin BS, Ahn HJ, Lim HY. Anatomic analysis of computed tomography images for determining the optimal oblique fluoroscope angle for percutaneous celiac plexus block. J Intern Med Res 2011;39(5):1798-1807.
  • 22. Sim WS, Choi JW, Lee CJ, Nahm FS, Lee SH, Shin BS, Cho HS. The influence of patient position on withdrawal force of thoracic epidural catheter. Anaesthesia 2012 Jan;67(1):19-22.
  • 23. Nahm FS, Lee PB, Park SY, Kim YC, Lee SC, Shin HY, Lee CJ. Pain from Intramuscular Vaccine Injection in Adults. Rev Med Chile 2012;140(2):192-197.
  • 24. Kim WH, Sim WS, Shin BS, Lee CJ, Jin HS, Lee JY, Roe HJ, Kim CS, Lee SM. Effect of two different doses of epidural steroid on blood glucose levels and pain control in patients with diabetes mellitus. Pain Physician 2013;16(6):557-568.
  • 25. Choi JW, Lee CJ, Lee SM, Shin BS, Jun B, Sim WS. Effect of hyaluronidase addition to lidocaine for trigger point injection in myofascial pain syndrome. Pain Pract 2016;16(8):1019-1026.
  • 26. Kim YR, Choi JW, Sim WS, Lee CJ, Chang C. The influence of patient position on withdrawal force of lumbar epidural catheters after total knee arthroplasty: A randomized trial. J Clin Anesth 2016;34:98-104.
  • 27. Jeong YH, Lee CJ, Yeon JT, Bae J, Choi E, Lee PB, Nahm FS. Insufficient penetration of bone cement into the trabecular bone: a potential risk for delayed bone cement displacement after kyphoplasty? Reg Anesth Pain Med 2016;41(5):616-618.
  • 28. Cho CW, Nahm FS, Choi E, Lee PB, Jang IK, Lee CJ, Kim YC, Lee SC. Multicenter study on the asymmetry of skin temperature in complex regional pain syndrome: An examination of temperature distribution and symptom duration. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016;95:52(e5548)
  • 29. Choi JW, Kim WH, Lee CJ, Sim WS, Park S, Chae HB. The optimal approach for a superior hypogastric plexus block. Pain Pract 2018;18(3):3014-3021.
  • 30. Lee Y, Lee CJ, Choi E, Lee PB, Lee H-J, Nahm FS. Lumbar sympathetic block with botulinum toxin type A and type B for complex regional pain syndrome. Toxins 2018;10(4),164: https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins10040164
  • 31. Lee J, Choi S, Lee CJ, Oh S. Recovery of dementia syndrome following treatment of brain inflammation. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2020;10:1-12.
  • 32. Lee J, Lee CJ, Park J, Lee SJ, Choi S. The neuroinflammasome in Alzheimer’s disease and cerebral stroke. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2021;11:159-167.

학술대회 포스터 발표

  • 1. Lee CJ, Ham BM, Do SH. Effect of epinephrine added to patient-controlled postoperative epidural analgesia in gynecologic surgery. American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) Annual Meeting 2003, San Francisco, California, USA 2003
  • 2. Lee JG, Lee CJ, Ahn JH, Kim YC, Lee SC. Infrared thermographic imaging in the assessment of successful block on lumbar sympathetic ganglion. The 6th International Congress of Thermology, Seoul, Korea 2004
  • 3. Lee CJ, Kim HS, Lee PB, Kim YC, Lee SC. Thermographic image at pre and post spinal cord stimulation. – a case report-. The 6th International Congress of Thermology, Seoul, Korea 2004
  • 4. Lee CJ, Kim YC, Ha CW, Bin SI, Lim GB, Lee SC. The comparison of effect of Hyal® and Hyruan Plus® on osteoarthritis. The 39th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2004
  • 5. Lee CJ, Sim WS, Kim YC, Lim YJ, Lee SC. Neurotoxicity of epidural gabapentin in rats. The 2nd Asian Pain Symposium, Seoul, Korea 2004
  • 6. Joh JY, Bae YG, Lee CJ, Lee SC. Retrograde study on thoracic percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. The 40th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Daegu, Korea 2005
  • 7. Kim YH, Joh JY, Han SS, Lee EH, Lee SC, Lee CJ. Percutaneous discectomy of herniated intervertebral disc with Dekompressor®. The 41st Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2005
  • 8. Choi YS, Han SS, Lee CJ, Kim YC, Lee SC. The effect of fluoroscopy guided interventional microadhesiolysis and nerve stimulation (FIMS) in lumbar spinal stenosis. The 42nd Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Busan, Korea 2006
  • 9. Lee MG, Kim YH, Lee CJ, Kim YC, Lee SC. Effect of pulsed radiofrequency for postherpetic neuralgia. The 42nd Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Busan, Korea 2006
  • 10. Lee CJ, Kim YC, Lee SC. Ketamine infusion therapy in neuropathic pain. The 12th International Pain Clinic Congress, World Society of Pain Clinicians, Lingotto Conference Centre, Turin, Italy 2006
  • 11. Lee CJ, Jeon Y. The influence of neck flexion and extension on epidural pressure. The 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Seoul, Korea 2006
  • 12. Ryu HG, Lee CJ, Ryu CK, Bahk JH, Kim CS. The effect of angle on the position of the catheter tip in paramedian approach of thoracic epidural catheterization. The 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Seoul, Korea 2006
  • 13. Ryu HG, Seo J-H, Park S-L, Lee CJ, Bahk JH. Influence of the approach angle on the coiling length of the thoracic epidural catheter. The 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Seoul, Korea 2006
  • 14. Lee CJ, Jeon Y, Lim YJ, Bahk JH, Kim YC, Lee SC, Kim CS. The influence of neck flexion and extension on the distribution of contrast medium in the high thoracic epidural space. The 84th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Busan, Korea 2007
  • 15. Yoon JS, Jang IY, Lee CJ, Sim WS, Lee SM, Gwak MS, Hahm TS, Cho HS, Kim TH. The risk factors of femoral neuropathy after renal transplantation surgery. The 45th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2007
  • 16. Shin YH, Park CD, Lee AR, Bang SR, Ko JS, Lee CJ, Sim WS, Kim JS, Kim TH. . The effective steroid dose of caudal epidural injection with unilateral epidural catheter position in patients with symptomatic herniated nucleus pulpous. The 45th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2007
  • 17. Lee SY, Kim TH, Lee CJ, Sim WS. Bipolar pulsed radiofrequency denervation of third occipital nerve in patient with cervicogenic headache. World Society of Pain Clinicians Congress 2008, Seoul, Korea 2008
  • 18. Park SY, Lee CJ, Kim YC, Lee SC. Fluoroscopy guided glossopharyngeal nerve block in a patient with short styloid process. World Society of Pain Clinicians Congress 2008, Seoul, Korea 2008
  • 19. Kwon TM, Lee CJ, Kim YC, Lee SC. Intravascular injection in lumbar medial branch block: a prospective evaluation of 1,433 injections. World Society of Pain Clinicians Congress 2008, Seoul, Korea 2008
  • 20. Lee SJ, Lee CJ, Kim YC, Lee SC. Spinal cord stimulation in management of intractable chronic pain: a 5-yr experience. World Society of Pain Clinicians Congress 2008, Seoul, Korea 2008
  • 21. Lee SY, Lee CJ, Sim WS, Kim TH, Lee SH, Yoon SJ. Intravascular injection in cervical medial branch block: a prospective evaluation of 361 injections. The 85th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Seoul, Korea 2008
  • 22. Yoon SJ, Lee CJ, Lee SY, Kim TH, Sim WS, Lee PB, Kim YC. The influence of patient position on the distribution of contrast medium in the middle thoracic epidural space. The 5TH World Congress of the World Institute of Pain, New York, USA 2009
  • 23. Kim WH, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS, Kim YC, Lee SC. The effect of ketamine infusion therapy in 103 patients with neuropathic pain. The 48th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Daejeon, Korea 2009 – Best Presentation Award
  • 24. Kim WH, Kim SK, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS. The optimal angle of needle insertion for lumbar sympathetic ganglion block in Korean. The 49th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2009
  • 25. Choi JW, Sim WS, Lee CJ. Influence of patient position on withdrawal forces of thoracic epidural catheters. The 50th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Daegu, Korea 2010
  • 26. Yoon SJ, Lee CJ, Lee SY, Kim TH, Sim WS, Lee PB, Kim YC. The influence of patient position on the distribution of contrast medium in the middle thoracic epidural anesthesia. The 50th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Daegu, Korea 2010
  • 27. Kim WH, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS. Determination of adequate entry angle of thoracic sympathetic ganglion block in Korean. The 50th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Daegu, Korea 2010
  • 28. Chang C, Kim WH, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS. Determination of adequate entry angle for thoracic sympathetic ganglion block in Korean. The 3rd International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG 2010), Athens, Greece.
  • 29. Jin HS, Lee SH, Lee CJ, Sim WS. Pretreatment with hydromorphone to reduce withdrawal movement on rocuronium injection pain. Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society (CAS) 2010 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2010
  • 30. Moon JY, Lee PB, Ryu HS, Kim DO, Lee CJ. Is the tunnel vision technique a better choice for lumbar medial branch neurotomy? American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting 2010, San Diego, California, USA 2010
  • 31. Ryu SA, Kim WH, Kim HS, Ahn HJ, Lee CJ. Neck circumference to thyromental distance ratio: a new predictor of difficult intubation. The 87th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Daegu, Korea 2010
  • 32. Yoo CS, Lee CJ, Lee SH, Kim TH, Sim WS, and Jin HS. Pretreatment of hydromorphone as an adjuvant induction agent-comparison with fentanyl. The 87th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Daegu, Korea 2010
  • 33. Shin YH, Lee CJ, and Kim YW. Hemolysis of packed RBC using dry heat exchanger. The 87th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Daegu, Korea 2010
  • 34. Park HW, Choi JW, Lee SH, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WA. The radiofrequency thermocoagulation of splanchnic nerve in functional abdominal pain syndrome. The 51st Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2010
  • 35. Choi JW, Kim TH, Sim WS, Lee CJ. Effect of hyaluronidase for trigger point injection in myofascial pain syndrome of trapezius muscle. The 51st Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2010
  • 36. Kim WH, Lee CJ, Kim TH, Sim WS. Optimal oblique angle of fluoroscope for percutaneous celiac plexus block in Koreans. The 51st Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2010
  • 37. Jeong YH, Lee CJ, Sim WS, Choi JW. Influence of patient position on withdrawal forces of thoracic epidural catheters. American Academy of Pain Medicine 2011 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA 2011
  • 38. Park SG, Lee CJ, Sim WS, Lee SH. Incidence of intravascular injection in cervical medial branch blocks. American Academy of Pain Medicine 2011 Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA 2011
  • 39. Lee CJ, Kim WH, Kim SH, Sim WS. Anatomic analysis of computed tomography images for determining the optimal oblique fluoroscope angle for percutaneous celiac plexus block. 2011 Annual Meeting of International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS), Vancouver, Canada 2011 – “Best of Category” Abstract Award in Pain-Clinical-Chronic Category.
  • 40. Kim YR, Choi JW, Sim WS, Lee CJ. The influence of patient position on withdrawal force of lumbar epidural catheters after total knee arthroplasty. The 88th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Seoul, Korea 2011
  • 41. Kim WH, Jin HS, Kim KM, Noh HJ, Lee JY, Lee CJ, Sim WS. Effects of epidural steroid injections on blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. The 55th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2012
  • 42. Kim EJ, Moon JY, Kim YC, Kim YD, Sim WS, Lee CJ, Shin HY, Kim JH, Lee SJ. Epidural steroid injection in Korea: a national survey. The 57th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul, Korea 2013
  • 43. Han HS, Choi EJ, Nahm FS, Lee PB, Jeong YH, Lee CJ. Delayed bone cement displacement following balloon kyphoplasty. The 92nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Busan, Korea 2015
  • 44. Choi JW, Kang RA, Sim WS, Lee CJ. Effect of hyaluronidase addition to lidocaine for trigger point injection in myofascial pain syndrome. The 1st International Congress on Spinal Pain, Gwangju, Korea 2016
  • 45. Kwon KH, Moon JY, Kim EJ, Park KS, Kim YC, Sim WS, Lee CJ, Shin HW, Kim YD, Lee SJ. Epidural steroid injection in Korean pain physicians: a national survey. The 1st International Congress on Spinal Pain, Gwangju, Korea 2016

강의 목록

  • 1. Nov. 2005 Image-guided Cervical Epidural Block (Transforaminal/Translaminar) The 41st Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul Grand Hotel, Seoul, Korea
  • 2. Nov 2005 Pain Treatment in Pain Center. Monthly Conference of the Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 3. Mar. 2006 Fluoroscopy guided interventional microadhesiolysis and nerve stimulation (FIMS). CME Courses of the Korean Society of Interventional Muscle & Soft Tissue Stimulation Therapy, Convention Hall of Kim Koo Museum & Library, Seoul, Korea
  • 4. May. 2006 Diagnosis and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The 42nd Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Pusan Lotte Hotel, Pusan, Korea
  • 5. Jun. 2006 Addiction and tolerance in chronic pain treatment. Focus Forum on Durogesic Dtrans® from professional advisory board. Hyatt Regency Hotel, Incheon, Korea
  • 6. Nov 2006 Sacroilliac joint block and radiofrequency. The 43rd Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Lotte World Hotel, Seoul
  • 7. Mar. 2008 Pain Treatment by anesthesiologists. Training Program of New Employees of Janssen Korea, Seoul Ramada Hotel, Seoul
  • 8. Mar. 2008 Pain Research Center in Stanford. Weekly Conference of the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul
  • 9. Apr. 2008 The Pathophysiology and treatment strategy of pain. Triumph Over Pain Symposium. Deoksan Spa Castle Resort, Deoksan, Korea
  • 10. May. 2008 New Standard for Cancer Pain Management-Pathophysiology and Treatment of Pain. Janssen Korea Cancer Pain Symposium, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Seoul, Korea
  • 11. Jun. 2008 Gene Therapy in Pain Treatment. The Scientific Conference of the Seoul Regional Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 12. Sep. 2008 Pain management of thoracotomy surgery patients. The Department of Thoracic Surgery Conference, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 13. Oct. 2008 Opioids and pain management. Staff Training Program of Pharmacy Department, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 14. Oct. 2008 The mechanism of pain. Triumph over pain Academy, Daegu Grand Hotel, Daegu, Korea
  • 15. Nov. 2008 Epidural adhesiolysis. The 47th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Pusan Lotte Hotel, Pusan, Korea
  • 16. Mar. 2009 Adjuvant drugs for muscle pain. TPI training courses of the Korean Pain Society, Samsung Seoul Hospital. Seoul, Korea
  • 17. Apr. 2009 Understanding of pain and the role of opioids. PEACE, Shilla Hotel, Seoul, Korea
  • 18. Apr. 2009 The causes and treatment of mid-back pain. The 14th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Spinal Pain Society, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 19. May. 2009 Neuropathic pain and opioid analgesics. Conference of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 20. May. and Jun 2009 Thoracic epidural catheterization and nerve root block. The 1st and 2nd Session of Cadaver Workshop of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 21. May. 2009 Update of CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) treatment. The 48th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea
  • 22. Nov. 2009 Update of interventional pain treatment. The 86th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, Jeju International Convention Center, Jeju, Korea
  • 23. Nov. 2009 Chronic pain road symposium. Optimal chronic pain management. Chronic pain road symposium by Mundi Pharma Korea, Jeju Shilla Hotel, Jeju, Korea
  • 24. Nov. 2009 Neuropathic pain model with constrictor. The 49th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea
  • 25. Nov. 2009 Cancer pain management. Conference of the Department of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 26. Mar. 2010 Adjuvant drugs for muscle pain. TPI training courses of the Korean Pain Society, Samsung Seoul Hospital. Seoul, Korea
  • 27. Apr. 2010 Radiculopathy or Radiating Pain. The 16th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Spinal Pain Society, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 28. Jun. 2010 Neuropathic pain management. Asia Pacific Regional Pain Forum. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 29. Jun. 2010 Common diseases and treatments in pain clinic. Friday Conference of the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 30. Jun. 2010 Chronic pain management. Special Student Lecture, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
  • 31. Jun. 2010 1. Thoracic epidural block and catheterization. 2. Thoracic transforaminal epidural injection. Cadaver Workshop of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 32. Aug. 2010 Neuropathic pain management and pain clinic. Invitation Lecture for Janssen-Cilag Korea, Kukje Building, Seoul, Korea
  • 33. Aug. 2010 Case rounding. Chronic Pain Masters Meeting, Hilton Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea
  • 34. Oct. 2010 Classification of analgesics. Staff training course of the Mundi Pharma Korea, Gyeongam Building, Seoul, Korea
  • 35. Oct. 2010 Pathophysiology of discogenic pain. The 17th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Spinal Pain Society, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 36. Oct. 2010 Symposium: Pain intervention in spinal stenosis. The 13th Congress of International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery of Korea (ISMISS Korea), Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 37. Nov. 2010 Maxillo-facial pain due to muscles and ligaments. The 51st Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea
  • 38. Apr. 2011 Update of lumbar sympathetic ganglion block. The 18th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Spinal Pain Society, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 39. Oct. 2012 Update of thoracic sympathetic block. The 21st Scientific Meeting of the Korean Spinal Pain Society, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 40. Nov. 2012 Pain disorders in lower extremities. The 24th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society for Phlebology, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 41. Nov. 2012 Pain treatments in pain clinics. Staff Training Program of the Seoul Branch of Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, Danam Building, Seoul, Korea
  • 42. Apr. 2013 Steroids – which is the best in spinal pain treatment? The 22nd Scientific Meeting of the Korean Spinal Pain Society, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 43. Aug. 2013 Thoracic spine procedures. Cadaver Workshop of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 44. Jul. 2014 The future of percutaneous epidural neuroplasty. The 1st Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Pain Summer School (SPSS), Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
  • 45. Aug. 2014 Thoracic spine procedures. Cadaver Workshop of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 46. May. 2015 Paramount considerations in the management of osteoporosis. The 60th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Gyeongju Hwabaek International Convention Center, Gyeongju, Korea
  • 47. Aug. 2015 Moderator for Successful way to open a private pain clinic. The 2nd Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Pain Summer School (SPSS), Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
  • 48. Nov. 2015 Pathophysiology and prevalence of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia. The 61st Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea
  • 49. Mar. 2016 The state of the art in treatment of musculoskeletal pain. TPI training courses of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 50. Jun. 2016 Moderator for The role of medical indemnity mutual. The 3rd Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Pain Summer School (SPSS), Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
  • 51. Nov. 2016 Diagnosis of upper extremity pain. The 63rd Scientific Meeting of the Korean Pain Society, Seoul Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea
  • 52. Jul. 2017 Moderator for Session of case presentations. The 4th Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Pain Summer School (SPSS), Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
  • 53. Oct. 2017 The advices to use contrast media. The 30th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Spinal Pain Society, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
  • 54. Jul. 2018 Moderator for Session of case presentations. The 5th Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Pain Summer School (SPSS), Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
  • 55. Nov. 2019 Pelvic Pain. The 38th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society for Phlebology, Seoul Dragon City Convention Hall, Seoul, Korea